
Would you sacrafice orgasms to be happy?

Last night, I had the prerequisite drink in hand and a worn out man asleep in the recliner (tired from work though, not sex). The baseball game was over so I began contemplate the question "Am I happy?" Should be an easy answer, right? Not so apparently, because after 30 minutes of debating it - I still didn't know. I have a good man, a healthy family, semi-secure financials, a few good friends to call my own, and dogs that love me unconditionally. I listed these things in my mind over and over. I decided I definitely should be in the "happy" range but just couldn't make myself say the words. I know the adage that one should be happy in one's life, but never satisfied to the point of complacency. I am NO where near the satisfied mark as I've loss serious ground on the self-esteem scale the past year or two, but why am I not happy since every thing else is all good? It brings the question...."Can you be happy with your life if you are not happy with yourself?" Obviously, for me....the answer is no, I can't. That sucks since I am a VERY long way from being happy with myself. I beat myself up a bit for allowing my faults to roadblock my life's happiness, then accepted that I am going to have to just get off my ass and address the issues....sigh...why can't I just be ignorant of my flaws and therefore happy? I realize I could make things simple, take a pill that would put me there. Tempting at first thought, but I couldn't have what I started this posting off with....a relaxing drink...and sex would become a chore rather than a pleasure. Sober and sexless....why bother? I'll stick with unhappy for now : )


  1. my vote's with unhappy as well - life's about the struggle and journey, better to die trying than to accept boozy (and sexless) complacency...

  2. If only happiness could come as easily as flipping on the light switch or taking the "happy pill". I like your writing style & a blog has always helped me to unload. I think this will be good for you and who knows, you might just find that self confidence you have lost along the way. The power of the blog is powerful--be ready for it.

  3. Really good. I found your blog interesting and well written. Very open and honest. I laughed at your comment on too much information... have you read some of the other blogs on this site? I'll only shout TMI at you if you start telling me why you're 'not good enough for death' or 'my child wishes I were dead'. Then, and only then, we may have an issue.
    I look forward to reading more from you.
    Kind regards
    Ness x
